sans soleil – live in kitakyushu

Live in kitakyushu – october 09 by sans soleil A stripped-down, hardware-based set done in support of the ‘simple machine’ release on fountain music…performed with an Akai MPC1000 / Dave Smith Mopho/ Dave Smith Evolver/ 2 x Korg Mini-Kaoss pads.

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Icefield (Wake Turbulence) from vjnokami on Vimeo. Wake Turbulence is a music visualization based performance that uses sound and midi data as input for the graphic display of air travel related information graphics.  The sky is filled with aircraft that transport people from place to place, perform utilitarian duties, assist in communications, and enact military missions.[…]

greyfields – TD PATH

Greyfield land is a term used in the United States and Canada to describe economically obsolescent, outdated, failing, moribund and/or underutilized real estate assets or land. The term was coined in the early 2000s as a way to describe the sea of empty asphalt that often accompanied these sites, which may also be referred to[…]