asprovalta video

a bit late, but i thought i should post this: a video done by jonathan howells for the sans soleil ‘asprovalta’ EP that came out on truffle music.‘coupe’ magazine named it one of their top motion design pieces for 2007. Sans Soleil, Asprovalta, music video from Jonathan Howells on Vimeo.

Tanso ‘Soundreach’ project

while i’m uploading… i figured i may as well post some links to videos of the performance we did (as IO Media) with chinese experimental musician zen lu. this was a real-time online collaborative performance done with t-u-b-e software which happened at the art gallery of the university of toronto. SOUNDREACH – Part 1 from[…]

ghostwood a/v project

GHOSTWOOD A/V – PROJECT DESCRIPTION ‘Ghostwood a/v’ is an audio installation which investigates the psychogeography of Ontario’s northern wilderness. It is primarily focused on the use of infrasound, provided by specially-constructed bass-cannons, and will be supported with a single-channel video component.    The installation is part of a series of sound-art projects investigating the psychogeography of the liminal spaces[…]